Our principals in alphabetical order are:

Ballyrashane Co-op
fresh cream, liquid buttermilk, milk, salted and
unsalted butter

DCL Yeast/Le Saffre
fresh dcl bakers yeast, "hirondelle" french yeast,
dried instant yeast

Fermex/Le Saffre
speciality bakery ingredients, including bread improvers,
levains and deactivated yeasts


New Britain Palm Oil Limited
A taste the Causeway Coast

Scandic Food
sweet whip, non-dairy cream, soft ice,
soft ice cream concentrate

Veripan Ingredients AG
Panatura natural starter dough
complete bread improver


Daly Foods Ireland Ltd. · PO Box 64, South City Delivery Office, Togher Industrial Estate, Cork City, Ireland
Fax +353 21 4962285 · Email info@dfi.ie